I get a zero!
My neighbor’s magnolia tree is overflowing with incredible blooms! This was taken shortly after one of our many rains. Hoping to get a few more shots of the tree before these majestic flowers make their exit.
happy birthday to me! The big 6-0. I DID IT! When I was told last year I may have one year left to live as the lymphoma was back for the fifth time, I figured 59 years was the best I could do.
Well, I AM STILL HERE, gosh darn it! I am thrilled and want to shout it out wherever I go! I am the Happiest 60-year-old you’ll ever want to meet!!!
Let’s forget that I’ve put on 10 pounds, I struggle to breathe when I walk up a hill, my neck disappoints me on a daily basis, and the medication gives me bruises and red spots. I’m 85 going on 60.
I’m stuck at home, again, because of a drop in my white blood cell counts. I’m a bit dizzy and nauseated. Although I did manage to sneak in a few pre-birthday gatherings, all my current birthday plans were cancelled: the family dinner at a popular hip restaurant in Downtown LA, spa day with my daughter, dinner with my in-laws, lunch with my cousins, watching a movie with home made caramel popcorn with my Mom and sister, and a few sessions with my Pilates trainer.
The counts will go back up and I will reschedule these get togethers, so the whole month of March is all about celebrating that 0! No pity parties on my watch, just fun little real happy parties!
In fact, let’s all be narcissistic together and enjoy our own happy moments. Eat your favorite dessert before dinner, sing that favorite song in your car—double dare you sing it loud with the car windows OPEN, wear sparkly boots to the market, buy that silver eyeliner at RITE AID, air guitar your favorite song around the house.
Any other suggestions you have for creating your own happy moments? Share in the comments below!
In the meantime, Me and my new 0 are creating new products! Next week I’ll be launching two new greeting card sets. Stay tuned!
dana pepper b0ut0n!!!!